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Office of the Comptroller

KFS Quick Tips

Workflow and Routing

  • To see where a document is in the workflow, check the document’s Route Log.
  • To cancel a document after it has been submitted, check the document’s Route Log, and contact the person, who has the document in their action list to approve and ask that they DISAPPROVE the document.

Chart of Accounts (COA)

  • Remember there can be no more than 24 Accounts added to the Account Global and the Account Delegate Global document.
  • New accounts do not automatically have delegates. If your accounts have delegates, don’t forget to add Account Delegates to new accounts.

Financial Processing (FP)

  • Generally, for month end processing, financial processing documents must be submitted to Comptroller Office Reviewer Groups by Noon of the last workday of the month.
  • For Financial Processing documents (AV, DI, GEC and TF) look at the General Ledger Pending Entries tab to verify the correct accounts are being debited and credited before submitting.
  • No more than 76 accounting lines on a financial processing document.

Accounts Payable (AP)

  • Accounts Payable does not see an invoice attached to the Requisition. Send a copy of the invoice to AP.
  • Before sending an invoice to Accounts Payable, please make sure the PO number is on the invoice, the PO status is open and there are enough funds to pay the invoice

Disbursement Voucher (DV)

  • A DV vendor can only be used to process DVs.
  • A PO Vendor can used on a DV if it has a valid Remit to address.  
  • The object code used in a disbursement voucher must agree with the reason code selected. To find a valid object code and reason code please see Disbursement Voucher Reason Codes.
  • Add the Disbursement Voucher cover sheet and all supporting documentation to the Disbursement Voucher document.

Requisition (REQS) / Purchase Order (PO)

  • In many instances MCE (Maryland Correctional Enterprises) invoices do not match the quote used to create the Requisition and PO. It is best to create the Requisition with one item line, Item Type of No Qty and the total amount of the quote as the Unit Cost.
  • Remember to check the pop-up blockers if you’re having trouble printing or retransmitting a purchase order.
  • Don’t forget to select the line items on the retransmit tab when retransmitting a purchase order.
  • To see a copy of a paid invoice, search for the Payment Request. Within the payment request there is an Invoice Image tab. Click the Invoice Image on Optix System by Purchase Order to see all invoices for the PO. Click the Invoice Image on Optix System by Payment Request to show that specific invoice for that Payment Request eDoc.
  • Capital assets are defined as moveable and unmovable property, owned by, or assigned for custody to the university, having a useful live greater than one year and a purchase price or other acquisition value of $5,000 or more.

Salary Expense Transfer (ST)

  • For Salary Expense Transfer, it’s best not to have two fiscal years on the same document.
  • There is a random issue with the sort on the Ledger Balance Lookup on the ST, especially for employees paid on multiple accounts. The pay period balances are out of sync. On the ST document when on the Ledger Balance Lookup for the Salary Expense Transfer Document screen, before proceeding, sort the results by clicking the in the Account Number column. This will re-sort the results and put the totals in the correct places.
  • Remember, fringe benefits are automatically calculated and transferred with the salary. Check the Pending Labor Ledger entries tab to verify before submitting the ST document.
  • For security reasons you cannot open an ST document if you are not the initiator of the document, the fiscal officer of one of the accounts at the time of creation or central administration.

Capital Asset Management (CAMS)

  • Equipment costing less than $5,000 and considered as a part to construct, build, or modify a new system or existing system can be considered a capital asset and charged to a capital object code.

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